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Journal articles

Selected journal articles

Clarke PJ, Paul S-AS, Smith G, Snowling MJ, Hulme C. (2017) Reading intervention for poor readers at the transition to secondary school. Scientific Studies of Reading, 21(5), pp. 408-427

da Cunha Júnior FR, Kontopodis M, van Oers B. (2020). Online Groups in Educational Settings: An Opportunity for Argumentation. Brazilian Journal of Socio-Historical-Cultural Theory and Activity Research: (Open Access).

da Cunha Júnior FR, van Kruistum C, Kontopodis M, van Oers B. (2019). Students on Facebook: From Observers to Collaborative AgentsMind, Culture & Activity, 26(4), pp. 336-352.

Davies, H. (2019) Trust and distrust: listening to children about their relationships with professionals. Social Sciences, 8(9), 251.

Gathercole, K. (2019) Managing cystic fibrosis alongside children’s schooling: Family, nurse and teacher perspectivesJournal of Child Health Care, 23(3), pp. 425-436

Hart P. (2016) Young people negotiating and maintaining boundaries in youth work relationships: findings from an ethnographic study of youth clubs. Journal of Youth Studies, 19(7), pp. 869-884

Harvey L, Cooke P. (2020) Reimagining voice for transrational peace education through participatory arts with South African youth. Journal of Peace Education.

Kontopodis M, Jackowska M. (2019) De-centring the psychology curriculum: Diversity, social justice, and psychological knowledge. Theory and Psychology, 29(4), pp. 506-520

Main, G. (2019) Fair Shares and Families: A child-focused model of intra-household sharing. Childhood Vulnerability Journal.

Noula, I. (2018) Critical Thinking and Challenges for Education for Democratic Citizenship: an ethnographic study in primary schools in Greece. Educação & Realidade. 43(3), pp. 865-886.

Swanwick R, Adami E. (2019) Signs of understanding and turns-as-actions: a multimodal analysis of deaf-hearing interaction. Visual Communication.

Tomlinson, C, Bond, C, Hebron, J. (2019) The School Experiences of Autistic Girls and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. European Journal of Special Needs Education.

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