Education should follow this lead from medical research
Dr Erin Dysart, has published an opinion piece in TES with colleagues from The University of Sheffield, York City Council and the national Day Nurseries Association. It argues that funders should support the development and evaluation of educational interventions which take in to account local context. Many interventions are evaluated on a large-scale basis (usually...
Dr Erin Dysart and Dr Aimee Code talk about their work on Early Talk for York and the use of the WellComm Toolkit
ICY Researchers Dr Erin Dysart and Dr Aimee Code talk about their work on Early Talk for York and the use of the WellComm Toolkit: Early Talk for York is a whole-systems approach set up by the City of York Council in 2018 to enhance children’s speech, language and communication. It utilises a step approach...
Pump-priming Funding, Part 2 Summary
Dr Anne Luke, Lecturer in Childhood Studies, writes about the second part of her exploratory project on children and the arts in Cuba and the UK, when she welcomed two arts professionals from the Granma province of Cuba to Leeds University. After my visit to the Granma province of Cuba in June 2023, the second...
ICY Research Seminar, Dr Samyia Ambreen
Title: Mobilising Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration with Children and Young People: Exploring Creative and Equitable Futures. Abstract: My talk will explore the...
Seminar: Autism-based discrimination in online groups: young people’s experiences of illegitimation
Research and policy narratives about autism and the Internet overwhelmingly focus on risks such as cyberbullying and addiction, emphasizing the...
‘Whose Power? Participatory Approaches to Researching with Young People in Museums’
Professor Abigail Harrison-Moore, Professor of Art History and Museum Studies, University of Leeds and Grace Foulds, Youth Curator, Preservative Party,...