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PGR poster conference


The Language Development & Cognition satellite is hosting a mini poster conference to give PhD students the opportunity to showcase their research. All welcome!  There will be tea/coffee and "home made" biscuits. Preliminary programme: How does prioritisation and probe frequency affect visual working memory in children? Amy Atkinson – School of Psychology (Supervisors: Richard Allen...

Sadler Seminar workshop: Quantifying bilingualism


Programme 9:00 - 10:00 Language dominance based on a questionnaire for parents of bilingual children (PABIQ): child bilingualism in France Philippe Prévost and Laurie Tuller (University of Tours, France) 10:00 - 11:00 Quantifying bilingual experience: using the (U)BiLEC to estimate input quantity and quality Sharon Unsworth (University of Nijmegen, NL) 11:00 - 12:00 The Bilingual...

Child and Youth Poverty: Contexts, concepts and consequences


A one-day conference, hosted by the Leeds Centre for Interdisciplinary Childhood and Youth Research About the Conference The Leeds Centre for Interdisciplinary Childhood and Youth Research is pleased to announce our inaugural conference which will gather together researchers from multiple disciplines who are all concerned with child and youth poverty. Child and youth poverty are...

Teenage futures: Parents’ roles and values in contexts of change


Date: 4:00pm. Tuesday 3rd May 2016
Location: Room G.18, School of Education, Hillary Place, University of Leeds

The current restructuring of educational and labour market arrangements create new inequalities, and new dilemmas, for young people. In this context, what roles do parents play in supporting their teenage children as they approach early adulthood? Professor Sarah Irwin offers an analysis of data generated across three rounds of interviews with parents, from 2008 – 2014, and explore how they support their children, and seek to guide them in decisions about education, training and employment.

Becoming tyrannous?: A capabilities approach to best interests assessments


Prof. Michael Thomson (School of Law, University of Leeds) Abstract The Children Act 1989 sets out that the welfare of the child must be the paramount consideration in any decision made with regard to the upbringing of a child. This ‘best interests standard’ has become a core principle of welfare law. At the same time,...

Poor educational outcomes for young people with caring responsibilities


Dr. Cathy Brennan (Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds) Abstract Conservative estimates suggest there are 175,000 children and young people in the UK with caring responsibilities for a dependent relative. The level and type of care varies between families but up to 20% may be caring for 20 hours or more a week...