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ICY Research Seminar, Dr Samyia Ambreen


Title: Mobilising Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration with Children and Young People: Exploring Creative and Equitable Futures. Abstract: My talk will explore the potential of interdisciplinary research collaboration while working with children and young people in both primary and secondary schools across the North-West of England.  This talk is based on my work on an interdisciplinary project called...

Seminar: Autism-based discrimination in online groups: young people’s experiences of illegitimation


Research and policy narratives about autism and the Internet overwhelmingly focus on risks such as cyberbullying and addiction, emphasizing the portrayal of autistic young people as "victims" and contributing to pathologization. Since current research often assumes that bullying is the only form of autism-based discrimination and rarely explores how it functions in practice, a more...

Communication of Young Deaf Children and their Caregivers in Multilingual Settings: Building Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships for Change   


CLER/ICY Cross-Centre Symposium   This hybrid event includes BSL and ISL interpreters. The event is followed by an evening reception  Please click here to register  Keywords: childhood deafness, multilingualism, communication, collaboration, early support, intervention                          This symposium discusses findings from a programme of collaborative research...

School of Education Research Seminar Series - Young People and Active Travel: How we gather young people’s voices during adult-led discourses - Dr Peter Hart


In 2021, Dr Peter Hart & Dr Morgan Campbell led a project with Leeds City Council to better understand young people’s perspectives on active travel (forms of travel using our bodies for motion). Traditionally, young people’s voices have been missing from what’s assumed to be an adult-dominated issue; adults, typically, are the commuters and vehicle...

ICY Reading Retreat


Our first Reading Retreat is taking place on 05th May. The aim of the Reading Retreat is to allow creative space for deep reflection upon and sharing of ideas and theory in line with the ideology of discomfort within which we work in ICY. Remember: the only rules for the retreat are – emails OFF and...

Inclusive Early Care and Education of Deaf Children and their Caregivers: Cross Context Conversations


An online international conference hosted by the University of Leeds, UK and the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. The theme of this conference is the development of early care and education of deaf children (ECE) that is inclusive of countries of the south. Presentations and discussion will examine different contexts for ECE, and approaches to...

ICY Reading Group 2 - Multi-Modality


ICY Reading Group 2 for all ICY Members The theme for this reading group led by Nathalie Czeke will be Multi-Modality. Please contact Louise Williams-Lewis at to join, if you have not already received the calendar invite to accept. _____________________________________________________  

ICY-CCPP Reading Group: Current Debates on Inclusion, Childhood, and Youth


The ICY-CCPP Reading Group “Current Debates on Inclusion, Childhood, and Youth” is meeting regularly over lunchtime every couple of months. These are informal “bring your own lunch” sessions for staff and PGRs, organised by ICY and the Curriculum, Pedagogy and Policy (CPP) group. Please let us know if you would like to attend so that...